RAW series
I wanted to post completely unretouched photo for so long!
This image is so amazing to me and I think it doesn’t need any retouch. The reason for that is the light, natural glow make up and professional model with healthy skin. That doesn’t mean every model has to look like this, but it makes things a lot easier.
In a world of fully retouched glam photos, it’s important to remind ourselves that we are human beings with flaws, and that’s perflectly fine. 🙌🏻
Back to basics⠀
When you are a photographer for a long time, and learn enough about retouching and light, you want to make things simple. Simplicity is the key. And less is more. ⠀
I think, in general, we have to learn a lot to be able to judge what is the essence of it.
And not to overdo something. This can be applied to anything.
Model / Selma Hadziosmanovic
Make up / Naida Djekic
Designer / Plusminus fashion
These are outtakes from shooting for Plusminus fashion brand.